education and teaching

Academic Qualification

  1. M.D. in General Medicine (GPA: 17.86 / 20, top 3% in class)
    Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Mashhad, Iran)
    2011 fall – 2019 winter

Teaching Experience

  1. Teaching assistant in NeuromatchAcademy, a computational neuroscience crash course (3 weeks)
    Online course on Zoom, 2020
    [content] [course page] [certificate]
  2. Meta-analysis of prognostic and diagnostic studies workshop (1 session)
    Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Mashhad, Iran), 2017

Additional Education

Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

  1. Computational Pschiatry Course (1 week)
    University of Zurich & ETH Zurich (online course on Zoom), 2020
    [content] [course page] [certificate]
  2. IBRO-VLTP Course in Neuroscience (8 days)
    Tarbiat Modares University (Tehran, Iran), 2019
    [content] [certificate]
  3. Functional and Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Workshop (3 days)
    5th Congress of Iranian Human Brain Mapping (Tehran, Iran), 2018
  4. Neuroimaging Meta-analysis Workshop (1 day)
    5th Congress of Iranian Human Brain Mapping (Tehran, Iran), 2018
  5. Basic Neuroscience Research Techniques Observership Tour (9 days)
    Shefa Neuroscience Research Center (Tehran, Iran), 2013
  6. Medical Neuroscience (13 weeks)
    Duke University (online course on, 2013
    [course page] [certificate]

Mathematics and Programming

  1. Tensorflow in Practice Specialization (4 x 4 weeks) (online course on, 2020
    [course page] [audit only]
  2. Calculus: Single Variable (13 weeks)
    University of Pennsylvania (online course on, 2014
    [course page] [certificate]
  3. Principles of Computing (7 weeks)
    Rice University (online course on, 2014
    [course page] [certificate]
  4. Machine Learning (10 weeks)
    Stanford University (online course on, 2013
    [course page] [certificate]
  5. An Introduction to Interactive Programmng in Python (8 weeks)
    Rice University (online course on, 2012
    [course page] [certificate]

Clinical Research

  1. Statistics in Medicine (9 weeks)
    Stanford University (online course on, 2016
    [audit only]
  2. Gastroenterology Systematic Reviews Marathon (1 week)
    Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Mashhad, Iran), 2016
  3. Meta-analysis Workshop (8 sessions)
    Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Mashhad, Iran), 2014
  4. SPSS Workshop (3 days)
    Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Mashhad, Iran), 2013
  5. 1st National Research Methods Summer School (1 week)
    Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Mashhad, Iran), 2012